Tuesday, October 9, 2007

In search of a unique love story

Since the time I learned about the joy and pain of falling in love, I have been searching for a unique love story. I want it to be really tragic, something that's different (so meaning to say, the love stories that we have watched in "Teleseryes" are excluded), something that could touch one's soul, something that would make me want to relive the story over and over again, something that would give me a good cry (I badly needed it).

I've been telling this to my college bud, Ayanne. We're both suckers for tragic love stories, you know. She told me that the most unique love story would be your own love story. Come to think of it, I haven't heard anyone having this story yet: a girl, her best friend, a guy. The girl, madly in love with the guy, the guy courted the best friend, the best friend didn't like the guy, the girl still holding on for oh-so-how-many-years, hoping the guy would finally see her worth and love her for who she is, the several years later, the girl found out that that guy she's madly in love with is a gay. Yep. A gay. Have you heard of that story yet? Did it already became a plot of a soap opera? Nope. Not yet. It's very unique. And I'm not telling whose love story this is!

Maybe I have my own fair share of a unique stories - may it be from my mom and dad's love story, to my best-friend-forever's love story (I'm a fan), my lil sis's love story, my high school friends' love story, some random people's love story. There might be similarities with their stories, but the fact remains that it's still unique. Maybe because of the character, the circumstances, the setting, the background, the theme song (blech!), the era... but it's unique simply because... there might be two lovers who share the same story, but it will be one in a million, right?

I've heard countless of tragic love stories, and also made up one:

  • From the guy who gave his eyes to the girl he loves
  • the best friend who never told her/his friend about his feeling and acted as the bridge to the obejct of his/her bestfriend's affection
  • the girl who secretly watches over the guy she loves
  • the girl who left the guy because she's dying
  • the guy who dies for the girl she loves
  • etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

Most of these stories made me cry, leaving me wondering, why can't they just tell each how they feel? Why does the character have to die? Why does she have to let him go? Why, oh why?! Blame that reaction for someone who have watched too much teen flick during her childhood, who started to believe that everyone will have a happy ending. Come to think of it... Semisonic said before that "Every new beginning come from some other beginnings end". So if it's a happy ending, then a new chapter will open... right? (too much logic, I guess...) OK, what I'm trying to say is that if something else will happen, then it's not yet a happy ending right? So, me thinks, what's the use of happy endings? (OK, now I'm pondering too much on this...)

That's the reason why I prefer tragic stories that those mushy love stories. Because who knows, in the next chapter, something great will happen. The lead may not end up with the guy/girl she loves, but she will eventually end up with someone that will truly make her/him happy. They may not end up together at this moment, but who knows what the future will bring to them. There's always hope of something great will happen. Yep, even the hope of having a happy ending. As Pacey (from Dawson's Creek) said, "If two people are meant to be together, it doesn't mean that they have to be together now." And if there is such a thing called fate, one day, fate will play a trick on them so that they could be happy for the rest of their lives... (now it's getting too mushy... and I hate it...)

Well, I'm still in search of a unique love story. I don't know how it will go, how it will it end, and who will the be the lead characters. I'm not sure how the plot goes, but I know, I want it to be something that I will play in my mind over and over again. (Note: Read between the lines. My subconscious mind is trying to say something...)