Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Awaiting your Love

期待你的愛 - 林俊傑 // Awaiting Your Love - JJ Lin

My Life 一直在等待 // My life, I've always been waiting
空蕩的口袋 // An empty pocket
想在裡面放 一份愛 // I've always wanted to put inside, a piece of love
Why 總是被打敗 // Why am I always defeated
真的好無奈 // I'm so helpless
其實我 實實在在 // But I, really
不管帥不帥 // Don't care if I'm handsome or not
想要找回來 自己的節拍 // I just want to find again, my own rhythm
所以這一次 // So this time
我要勇敢 大聲說出來 // I want to bravely, loudly say

期待 期待你發現我的愛 // Awaiting, waiting for you to discover my love
無所不在 我自然而然的關懷 // Is everywhere, my natural caring
妳的存在 心靈感應的方向 // Your existence, is the direction of my soul finding
我一眼就看出來 //I could tell from one glance
是因為愛 // It was because of love

我猜 你早已發現我的愛 // I guess, you've long since discovered my love
繞幾個彎 靠越近越明白 // Go through a few turns, the closer the clearer
不要走開 // Don't leave
幸福的開始 就是放手去愛 // The beginning of happiness, is letting god and loving