Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Quarterlife Crisis Chronicles #13: My 25 Resolutions I will try to follow on my 25th year here on Earth

  1. I will not expect a lot - hey, how many times have I expected too much, that in the end, I ended up being depressed. I swear I will never ever expect a lot... and I will never be depressed if that thing I expected won't turn put the way I wanted.
  2. I'll try to get that body I really really want (read: sexy!) - this time, I'll do my best to trim down... hopefully I wont get lazy doing some exercises or even forget that I am on a diet when I see a sumptuous food
  3. I'll think twice before saying or doing something - do i need to explain?
  4. I'll appreciate my job more - though sometimes, I feel like I'm messing up, I'll try not to mess up with my job... I'll do my best in everything. I'll try not to slack off. I'll do my duti as an FFP officer, as a tech support, and as a mod... haaayyy I wish I could work abroad...
  5. If I want something, I'll take the risk - self-explanatory. If I really want that thing really bad, I'll take the risk to get it.
  6. I'll try to be mean sometimes - mean in a nice way. no more goody girl for me
  7. Once in a while, I'll go to a place that I have never been. I'll try to travel alone - may it be Baguio or Taiwan... heck it's about time that I see the world on my own!
  8. I'll learn a new language - Japanes or Mandarin... definitely...
  9. I'll finish my unfinished stories - all I need is a PC.. need to post it on my blog
  10. I'll be more independent - if I have to move out... I'll move out
  11. I'll save more money - wish I have a lot of money to save...
  12. I'll try not to daydream a lot - haaayyy Calvin Chen...
  13. I'll go out with friends once in a while - like I am not doing this now... duh??
  14. I'll be more understanding especially when it comes to my best friend - though she's a pain in the ass sometimes...
  15. I'll listen more and talk less - self-explanatory. actually i'm more of a listener instead of a talker
  16. I will not be afraid to voice out what's in my mind - i just need to find the right words to voice out my opinion
  17. I won't say anything if I can't say anything nice - I can always rant in my blog, can't I?
  18. I'll try to learn how to fix myself so I would look like a girl- makeup, new hairdo, and the likes
  19. I'll try my best not to get pissed off that easily - count one to ten silently
  20. If I want something, I'll buy it - that's what's money is for, ayt?
  21. I'll be more appreciative of the little things around me - take pictures, keep small things that has a lot of memories, blog all the good and bad things that happened to me
  22. I'll be more helpful
  23. I'll go back to school - wish I could do this... at least I wish I could go back to St. Jo for the Aming Tribo fair...
  24. I'll be more realistic - in love life, in finances, in everything
  25. I'll stop finding "the one" - if it's meant to be, it's meant to be....