A. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves. Tag 8 people. Those who are tagged cannot refuse.
B. These 8 people must state who they were tagged by. You cannot tag the person who tagged you. Continue this game by sending this to 8 other people.
1. What was the last word/phrase you said?
- may usb port ba yun?
2. What do you miss most?
- my DVDs especially my Hana Kimi DVD... huhuhuhu
3. What are you supposed to be doing right now?
- i'm supposed to write a story... but my writer's block strikes again
4. What was the last movie you watched?
- vantage point?
5. What did you last eat?
- lechon (as gerlad says... paputokbetok ;))
6. What are you doing right now?
- nagsasagot ng tag
7. What are you thinking right now?
-ayokong pumasok sa work bukas dahil sasabog si qimon
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
- cry? hehehe i don't know... just find my reaction in this blog when i found chunnie bear have a gf in
9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy recently?
- qimonda
10.What was your section when you were in gr.1?
- ilang ilang
11. Is being tagged fun?
- ok lang
12. Have you learned something new today?
- yeah...
13. What do you want to own right now?
- asus eee pc
14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
- ikay... wu chun fanatic na show fanatic, mabait, kalog (love you mare!)
15. Would you rather be single and rich or married and poor?
- single and rich
16. What's your favorite C2 flavor?
-- sige kiwi na rin
17. Would you give your all in a relationship?
- hindi NA
18. When was the last time you got starstruck?
- when i saw rj jimenez in person sa ministop elj (rj... syeeeettttt hawig mo si that guy!)
19. What type of friends do you like?
- kalog, masaya kasama, hindi plastic, love ang FRH at SHE
20. What was the title of the song you last listened to?
- opening song ng my mvp valentine
i tag:
mami ces
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