Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Quarterlife Crisis Chronicles #19: Remind me again why I am doing this

I am at a point in my life wherein I tend to forget why I am in this battle, why am I this fanatic, why, of all people, him?

I am at a point in my life wherein I want to walk away from everything I've worked hard, I want to forget all of this and go back to the old me.

I am at a point in my life that I intend to go back to my old, dirty ways..

All the reason why I changed to the Keisi you all know now, is because of him. And somehow it sucks... because it seemed that my world revolved around him, and of course, the guy doesn't even give a damn. He doesn't even know me. God, he doesn't even know I exist!

I am thankful for him because he became my inspiration. He was my reason why I am taking such risks. But it's quite tiring chasing him... it's quite tiring loving someone you know who could never love you back. It was fun at first, but now, it's just giving me headaches.

Remind me again why I'm doing this? All for the love of the man who turned my life 180 degress, arranged it for me, changed my old ways, who inspired me...

I need my reality check...

I've been living in a dream for two years now...

It's time to wake up