Chapter 4: Secret Feelings“Do you like Calvin?” Kit was caught off guard with Danson's question. “O-of course. I like him, he's my best friend...” she said. Danson laughed and shook his head. “I mean, like as in the way Calvin liked Joy?”
“No. I don't have that kind of feelings towards him. Besides, I told myself that even if he's the last guy on earth, I won't ever fall in love with him.”
Danson sighed with relief upon hearing her answer. He was scared that Kit would have fallen in love with Calvin. The truth is, he is secretly in love with Kit. He was trying to make his move in courting her, but he was scared that Kit would get mad at him if he would confess his love for her. Kit seems to be comfortable and contented with their friendship, and he was scared that if he tell her what's in his heart, Kit would avoid him.
“Is... is there someone else that you like?” he asked again. He know that he should not ask that question to her, for he's scared to know the answer. His heart would definitely break if he found out that she's eyeing on someone else. “There is...” Kit answered. Danson looked at her. “Too bad, I just can't tell that person how I feel...” she continued. Danson swallowed hard. He was blaming himself for asking that question. He could feel his heart breaking into a million pieces, but he composed himself and continued with the conversation. “W-why?” he forced himself to ask. Kit sighed. “Because that person is in love with Calvin...” she said. Danson looked at her with disbelief. He could feel what Kit will tell her next. Does Calvin know all a out this? “Who is this person?” he asked. “Oh, that person I like? Well, let me describe him to you. He have this big black orbs, when he smiles, you can see his cute cheekbones. He have this thin lips that you would want to kiss. All the girls liked him, but like them, I was also broken hearted when he confessed his love for Calvin...”
Danson could not believe what he just heard. Kit just described Chun, for he never thought she would like him. “You mean to say you like Wu Chun?” he asked. Kit nodded her head. “When Chun made his love confession in front of everyone, believe me, I wanted to kill Calvin at that instant. He was like matchmaking me to him, then it turns out that Chun would fall for Cal!” she said in a hurt tone. Danson doesn't know if he'll laugh or not. At least he was relieved. His rival would not be her best friend, but her best friend's gay admirer. “Well, you can laugh now, Danson. I know it's really funny for me to fall for someone like him, huh?” she said. Danson shook his head. “Of course, not. I feel for you...”
Calvin stared outside his bedroom window. He was staring at the room opposite his, which is Kit's room. The lights from Kit's room was turned on, and he saw Kit enter the room. He immediately took his phone and called her. After three rings, Kit picked up the phone. “Hello?”
“Hey, Kit. It's me...”
Kit looked outside the window and saw Calvin staring at her from his room. He waved at her. “Look, I'm sorry about what happened a while ago. Please forgive me... you know that I don't want you to get mad at me...” he said. While saying that, he was giving her puppy eyes. Kit just laughed at him. “Stop giving me puppy eyes. You look stupid....” she said. “Then tell me you're not mad at me anymore...”
“OK, OK, OK... I'm not mad at you anymore. I'm sorry if I acted that way awhile ago...”
“Then we're good?”
“Yes, we are.”
Calvin smiled at her. “How's your day without me?” he asked. “It was OK. It was fun hanging out with Danson.”
“Seems like you're getting close to him, huh?”
“Why, are you getting jealous?”
“Guess he's more fun that me, huh?”
Kit smirked at her. “Why, isn't it fun hanging out with Joy?” she snapped back. Calvin just laughed. “It's not what you're thinking, OK. She just asked help with Algebra, that's all...” he said. Then, the smile on his face disappeared. “Besides, she's still dating Jiro Wang...” he said in a sad tone. “Aww... don't worry about it, Calvin. Besides, there's a lot of girls who would like to throw themselves at you. There's Rainie, Genie, Angela, Trixie, Chun...”
“Oh, please don't ever put Chun's name on the list. And I know you're still hurt because it was my fault that Chun became gay...”
“Good thing you know.”
“That's why I'm making amends with my mistake.”
Both of them laughed at their so-called conversation. “So, I'll drive you to school tomorrow?” he asked. Kit nodded her head. “Sure. Would love that.” she said. “OK. I'll see you tomorrow then...” he said. They both said goodbye. Kit still stared outside the window and watched Calvin as he turned the lights off.
“Never start your day with a frowning face because you'll never know who's falling in love with your smile.”
Calvin smiled as he read the note that the paper crane girl left on his locker. He took the paper crane beside it, and stared at it for a long. Just then, someone took the note from his hand. He looked at his side, and saw Kit standing beside him. He was already reading his note. “Hey!” he said to her. Kit looked up at him and smirked. “Who the hell will fall for your stupid smile?” she asked. Calvin simply sighed at what she said. “Someone who can appreciate this sunshine smile, dork.”
“And who are you calling dork?”
“You. Someone who could not even appreciate this handsome face of mine.”
“Ha ha. Very funny.”
It was Calvin's turn to smirk. “At least I'm handsome. While you're -” before he could finish his sentence, Kit gave him dagger looks. “While I'm what?” she asked. “Pretty. Very pretty.” he was forced to say. Kit smiled at him when he said that.
Meanwhile, Hannah was walking past Calvin and Kit. She was busy staring at Calvin that she didn't realize that she bumped into someone. All of the books she was holding fell on the floor. “I'm sorry...” she said as she knelt down to pick up her books. “Next time, watch where you're going, dork!” she heard someone said. She looked up and saw that she bumped into Trixie. As she stood up, Hannah lowered her head. “I'm really sorry, Trixie.” she said again. Trixie rolled her eyes at her. “After bumping into me, you'll just say sorry? I cannot accept that.” she said. Her friends, who were standing behind her, snickered at Hannah.
Kit saw just what happened, so she immediately came to Hannah's rescue. “Hey!” Kit said. Trixie and her friends looked back at her, and saw them coming towards them. “She already said she's sorry, stop bullying her.” Kit said as soon as he came face to face with Trixie. Trixie rolled her eyes at her and smirked. “Why do you care? Are you her friend?” she asked. This time, Kit glared at her. “I may not be her friend, but I'm not stupid to see that you're bullying her.” Kit snapped back at her. “So, you're the smart ass, aren't you?” Trixie said. This time, it's Kit's turn to smirk at her. “At least I'm not as stupid as you are!” she snapped again. Trixie was insulted with what she said. She glared at her,m and stepped forward to attack her. “You bitch!” she said. She was about to slap her, when somebody held her hand to stop her. As she turned, he saw Calvin holding her arm. He was glaring at her, then she let go of her arm. “Calvin?” Trixie said in a surprised tone. “I saw everything, Trixie.” he said in a hard tone. “She started it!” Trixie said, defending herself. “No. You're the one who started it. Can't you be satisfied with Hannah's apology? Why did you have to bully her?”
Trixie was unable to answer his question. Calvin then turned to Hannah and Kit, and helped Hannah carry her books. Then, he turned to Trixie again. “I hope this will be the last, Trixie. If you hurt Hannah or Kit, and especially Kit, I will never forgive you.” he said. Then, he put his arm around Kit, and the three of them (including Hannah) left the furious Trixie behind.
Trixie could only watch the three as they leave. She crossed her arm, and looked at Kit's back. “I swear. If Calvin and I got together, the BFF will have to go.” she said.
“Thank you for helping me...” Hannah said to the two in a low voice. She slowly looked up to them and smiled. Calvin smiled back at her. “No problem. If they bug you, let me and Kit know, OK?” Calvin said to her. Hannah nodded her head. Then, he handed her her books. “I... I'll see you two around, I guess?” she said. Kit smiled at her. “Sure. We'll see you around, Hannah. It's nice talking to you.” she said. Hannah nodded her head, and then went inside the classroom.
“I didn't know that you know her?” Calvin said to Kit as they walked to their next class. He was surprised that Kit knew Hannah's name. “Of course I do. She's Hannah Tan, the musical prodigy of our batch. Taking up, well of course, Music.” Kit said to him. Calvin paused and looked at her again. “How come you know who she is and I don't?” he asked again. “She's in one of my class. She's really shy, and keeps to herself. She doesn't hang out with anyone in this school. She just stays in the music room to practice piano.” she said in a matter-of-factly tone. Then she looked up at him and gave him a suspicious look. “Why, are you interested in her?” she asked. Calvin shook his head. “I'm just curious why... I believe I knew everyone from our batch except her...” he said. “She's a little shy, that's all.”
After making sure that Calvin is already away from her classroom, Hannah came out again, and watched him as he walked with his best friend. She smiled to herself. She was thankful that Kit and Calvin came to her rescue when Trixie was trying to bully her, and most of all, she's thankful that Calvin took time to talk to her. She have always wanted to befriend him, but because he's a very popular guy in school, she thought that he would reject her. She was happy that even for a short time, she was able to be with him. She wasn't asking for more. She just wanted to be close to her, even for just a short time.
But, she know that after this semester, he will not be able to see him again. The smile on her face slowly disappear at that thought. If only she have the courage to be with him again, she would... If only she will be given more time and another chance, she would not let it pass. She wished she could tell him what's in her heart before the semester ends.
Calvin stopped walking. He could feel his heart beating faster. He felt that someone was watching her. He looked back and he saw that no one was there. “Is there something wrong, Cal?” Kit asked him. He then looked at her. “I thought there was someone watching us...” he said. Then, she looked at Kit. “Do you think... do you think it's the paper crane girl?” Kit asked. Calvin shook his head. “I don't know... but I want to find out if it's her...”